BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee: Walking Works for Schools

To facilitate change, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) created a K–5 program to educate children, their teachers and families about the benefits of proper exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. For six years, the KVBPR team, under Katcher’s leadership, worked with BCBST to plan, implement and manage BlueCross Walking Works for Schools, a statewide, voluntary, in-school walking program.
Create program that fit into curricula, which teachers would embrace to facilitate change.
Primary research:
- Interviews with Department of Education experts and educators
- Focus groups with primary contacts at key schools
- Survey of participating teachers at year end.
- Register 250 schools, 100,000 students annually
- Participants to walk 5 minutes/day for 12 weeks each semester
- Measurable improvement in students’ health, learning readiness and behavior
- Close to 350 schools and 150,000 students walking five minutes or more daily
- Teachers reported student improvement:
- in classroom behavior: 77 %
- increased energy, physical endurance and weight loss: 96%